It doesn’t add up: what’s wrong with maths? #ProperMaths
15 May 2013
Broadcast from London
We can't escape the fact that maths skills are not only core to our understanding of other subjects but integral to the vitality of a modern economy. But is the ‘right’ maths being taught in schools? And how do we ensure students get a ‘proper’ maths education at the right age?
As experts in assessment, Cambridge Assessment believes that a sensible debate is needed to help construct a better maths curriculum for England. The event will comprise three main sections, the central one being a debate entitled ‘Numeracy, arithmetic, maths – what age and at what stage?’ Other elements include discussions on how to make maths relevant and whether technology is changing maths for the better.
Speakers include:
Lynn Churchman, Trustee – National Numeracy (and former chief executive of the UK Commission for Employment and Skills)
Jennie Golding, deputy chair – Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME)
Tim Oates, Group Director of Assessment Research and Development – Cambridge Assessment
Lynne McClure, Project Director – NRICH
Charlie Stripp, Chief Executive – MEI and Director – National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics
Mark McCourt, Chairman – Teacher Development Trust, CEO – Beluga Learning
Janet De Wilde, Head of STEM – The Higher Education Academy
Conrad Wolfram, CEO – Wolfram Mathematica
Tony Gardiner, British mathematician.